MagKnotic: Ferrofluid Prints

Fall 2019

Medium: Ink on Paper
Size: 16×16

This project is part of my continued investigation of the weaving and textile (printmaking) research interest.

For this project, I used ferrofluid, a magnetic liquid that responds to magnetic fields, to create unique and mesmerizing prints. The process involved carefully applying the ferrofluid onto a surface, such as paper or metal, and then using magnets to manipulate the liquid and create intricate patterns and shapes.

Cellular automata and ferrofluid prints may seem like very different topics, but there are actually some interesting correlations between the two. Cellular automata are systems that evolve over time based on a set of simple rules applied to each cell in a grid. Similarly, ferrofluid prints are created by applying a magnetic field to a grid of ferrofluid, causing the fluid to respond and create complex patterns.

Both cellular automata and ferrofluid prints rely on the idea of emergence, where simple rules or interactions can lead to complex and unpredictable behaviors. In cellular automata, this can lead to the emergence of patterns and structures, while in ferrofluid prints, it can create unique and dynamic visual experiences. Additionally, both cellular automata and ferrofluid prints are often used in artistic and creative contexts, as they offer a way to explore complex systems and patterns in a visual and tactile way.

Overall, my ferrofluid prints printmaking project allowed me to experiment with a unique material and explore its artistic possibilities. I am excited to continue working with ferrofluid in the future and see where my creativity takes me. Thank you for taking the time to view my work!