art • marketing • science • life

Hot Stone Massage at the Inn at Thorn Hill Spa

KristiMay 4, 20242 min read
Hot Stone Massage at the Inn at Thorn Hill Spa

As I stepped into the serene ambiance of the Spa at the Inn at Thorn Hill, a wave of tranquility washed over me, promising an escape from the stresses of daily life. Nestled amidst the lush surroundings, this sanctuary seemed tailor-made for relaxation and rejuvenation. Eager to embark on my journey towards ultimate restoration, I opted for the hot stone massage, drawn to the promise of deep tissue relief without the intensity of traditional deep tissue therapy. Guided by the expert attendant, Kayla, I surrendered myself to the blissful experience that awaited. The dim lighting and soothing music set the…

Crops Ablooming

KristiMay 3, 20241 min read
Crops Ablooming

Growing plants indoors sometimes is likened to watching paint dry. Since March I’ve been aggressively checking my pots for new growth and love whenever I go away for the weekend and come back there’s been significant growth. This year I’ve reconfigured my indoor hydroponic garden to consider my dietary changes I’ve been working through. For the first time I’ve been growing spinach and kale. I love spinach and kale I can tolerate but the thought process behind the two is I can incorporate them into every day meals, like spinach into scrambled eggs and kale into pasta with tomatoes (cooked).…

From Field to Table: Spring’s Bounty in a Jar

KristiMay 2, 20243 min read
From Field to Table: Spring’s Bounty in a Jar

I’m thrilled to share with you my process for crafting a delectable ramp butter infused with the aromatic flavors of parsley and thyme, using fresh ingredients from Foxtrot Farm. If you’re someone who appreciates the quality and taste of farm-fresh produce, you’re in for a real treat. This recipe combines the richness of butter with the earthy, herbaceous notes of ramps, parsley, and thyme, sourced directly from the fields of Foxtrot Farm. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and create a batch of this flavorful butter together! Here are the steps to make ramp butter infused with parsley and thyme:…

Nettle Tincture: In Tune with the Land

KristiMay 1, 20246 min read
Nettle Tincture: In Tune with the Land

Nestled amidst the serene countryside, Foxtrot Farm emerges as a sanctuary of sustainability and reverence for the earth. Since its inception in 2017, this certified organic farm has been a shining example of how agriculture can harmonize with nature while yielding bountiful harvests. At the heart of Foxtrot Farm’s philosophy lies a commitment to no-till practices, minimal use of synthetic inputs, and a deep appreciation for the intricate web of life within the soil. At the core of Foxtrot Farm’s ethos is the principle of no-till agriculture. Recognizing the vital role of soil in sustaining life, the founders made a…

Hi! My name is Kristi Beisecker and I am an award-winning multimedia artist and designer residing in a college town in Western Mass. Please check out my travel blog for the hidden gems within this region!

I also consider myself to be a tastemaker where my tastes, influences and talents dictate the outcome of my deliverables. 

As you may see, my studio is a multi-verse! And houses many blogs, projects, research interests and more. A majority of the funds from my online shop go to support these projects.

I have many passions and interests that make up who I am and my art and design is a reflection of that.

Follow me on Pinterest
witchy haul summer 2021
Eclectic Witch Book of Shadows 2017-2021
Zodiac Map Reading
Full Moon Reading 6/21
Next 6 Months 🔮 Tarot Reading ✨
Eclectic Witch ✨ Sacred Space ✨ Spiritual Flow Altar ✨ 12/13/20

Declaration of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process

During the preparation of these works the author(s) used ChatGPT in order to format and refine verbiage that is appropriate for these pages and Nightcafe to generate imagery meant for content marketing. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.






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