Printing the Land

2016 – 2022

Medium: Ink on Paper, plaster, putty
Size: 12×16

This project is part of my continued investigation of the weaving and textile (printmaking) research interest.

This portfolio is an exploration of the connection between art, science, and the complex systems that govern our world. Using the principles of cellular automata, my work seeks to uncover the hidden patterns and phenomena that emerge from the interactions of individual components.

These images investigate how to capture natural forming materials to leave a lasting impression. This process started using plaster then evolved into using molding putty. The idea is to preserve the land in an artistic way. This method was also able to be applied to flowers and plants.

In this printmaking project, I have focused on the theme of seed dispersal to create visually stunning and scientifically informed artworks. Using the natural movement of seed dispersal in different environments has been captured through the use of printmaking techniques to generate intricate and unpredictable patterns on paper with ink that reflect the natural process of seed dispersal. Seed dispersal is a crucial process in plant reproduction, and my project aims to highlight the beauty and complexity of this natural phenomenon through a unique artistic lens.

The outcomes of this project will include a series of prints that capture the intricate patterns and movements of seed dispersal. I hope to showcase these prints in future exhibitions to spark conversations and inspire others to explore the connections between art and science. Through this project, I aim to encourage a deeper appreciation for the natural world and the intricate systems that govern it. I am passionate about exploring the intersection of art and science, and this project represents just one aspect of my ongoing research and creative exploration. I look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible through the combination of these two fields and to sharing my discoveries with others.