Agreement with Mission.Earth

Agreement with Mission.Earth

I’m super excited to announce that I’ve executed an agreement with a non-profit organization that offers fiscal sponsorship for individuals and small organizations. What this allows, is for me to receive donations under a tax-exempt status, and this can become a HUGE game changer. One of the struggles of an artist is to find the funding to continue their efforts. This fiscal sponsorship will allow me to seek funding under a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. This will help me apply to many of the grant funding opportunities out there as well as receive material goods from companies and other opportunities. cropped-earth-hands

From it’s Website:

Non Profit project partnerships: How Does it work?
Mission.Earth wants to help you raise money for your philanthropic work. We provide accessibility, efficiency and affordability. We work with groups, individuals and organizations to provide education and support for raising funds. There is a passionate community of philanthropic individuals, charitable foundations, and government institutions devoted to funding social innovation. The catch is that most small groups and companies lack the 501(c)(3) tax status that makes them eligible to apply for grants and incentivizes individual gifts. What’s more, when someone launches a nonprofit, there’s little time for passionate innovation. The day-to-day business of administering a tax-exempt organization leaves scant room for anything else. We want you to spend time changing the world, not filing paperwork. With fiscal sponsorship, you can solicit tax-deductible donations and apply for grants without going through the onerous process of launching a 501(c)(3). The sponsored “project” might be a one-time collaboration or even an established organization that does not have its own 501(c)(3) status. Our program is open and accessible nationwide and in every discipline. We won’t judge the quality or merit of your work. That’s not our job. Our job is to give you the tools you need to raise the money to make it happen.


Kristi Beisecker is a graphic designer, photographer, printmaker and alternative scientist whose interested in making images through two contrasting elements. She is also a blogger in lifestyle, travel, wellness and health, art and design, beauty and fashion.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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