
Lately, I’ve been thinking about Correspondence in terms of energy work. Last new moon I did a meditation ritual regarding employment. I drew a mandala featuring symbols that symbolized the place I want to work in, as well as the kind of work I wanted. I used symbols for moving and desire. This is the full moon and I’ve gotten two responses from my resume. Nothing is settled yet, as one isn’t that consistent but it would get me experience and probably move out of my parents’ house (which I need). I burned (released) the mandala in the ritual and put the ashes with Cinnamon oil and amethyst under my pillow in a pouch for the entire moon cycle. Seems to have worked. Again, I haven’t made any decisions, as I don’t know much about these positions. BUT its a start. I could really use the experience but I have to figure out my living situation first before I could do anything.

In terms of correspondence, what really helped me realize and understand how to use correspondence is that symbols, color and other forms project a subtle energy and when used properly these subtle energies are attracted to you. Different colors and forms when coupled with each other create different energy patterns and these patterns are attracted to the energies you seek.

I think I’ll definitely be using this method in the future when I’m finding myself in a hole in my life.


EDIT: So one that looked promising ended up being a scam. Oh well back to square one. Let’s hope the other one will come through.


Kristi Beisecker is a graphic designer, photographer, printmaker and alternative scientist whose interested in making images through two contrasting elements. She is also a blogger in lifestyle, travel, wellness and health, art and design, beauty and fashion.

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